In the Box/Out of the Box

Remember to take the time to define the issue before rushing into a creative solution to the issue.

Defining the issue is, essentially, "building the box."

Laying a foundation of what is known or expected is a great enabler of creative innovation. Taking a step back and building the box can help you in two clear ways.

  1. It ensures that everyone involved in the project is operating under the same set of assumptions and is operating with the same meaning when using potentially ambiguous words.

  2. Defining boundaries can lead to meaningful discussions of why certain boundaries exist and what their purposes might be. This information will be invaluable when deciding which boundaries to embrace and which boundaries to eliminate.

If you are having difficulty thinking outside of the box, then take a look at your definition of the issue.


This article from Fast Company shows how boundaries are crucial for all kinds of creativity.
Why Boundaries are the Best Thing for Your Creativity


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